From product portfolio management to media mix optimization: by using a broad perspective and detailed analysis, our solutions continuously help our clients take well-informed decisions and, thus, better choices when defining a strategy or when making a tactical resolution.
Increase website traffic and conversions by implementing continuous analysis and revision of the TV-Radio planning with a direct response approach.
Integrated analysis of marketing mix on the entire product portfolio in order to identify the growth drivers for each SKU, to redesign the marketing mix and simulate the impact on the market share of the whole brand.
Analysis and evaluation of the impact of price, distribution, communication and competitors’ levers. Estimate of the volumes for a new product being launched and evaluation of the business volume of the whole brand.
Sales analysis for each shop and for the e-commerce site to evaluate the short-term effectiveness of marketing mix and impact of seasonality and economic cycle. ROI optimization for online and offline advertising.
Attribution modeling of leads with subsequent corrections to budget allocation for adwords, display, and affiliation.
Sales forecasts, based upon the climatic conditions, to support marketing and production planning.
Analytic system for measuring the impact of marketing activities on vehicle purchasing process at two levels: lead generation and final orders.
Development of a multimedia tool to estimate and optimize on and offline media mix based on reach, frequency and affinity.
otc pharma
Econometric breakdown of online and offline impact on sales and subsequent redefinition of media mix, according to efficiency.
Implementation of a sophisticated ROI measurement system for all marketing investments on different response metrics: website visits, App downloads, new orders.
Analysis of the product portfolio in order to properly balance investment allocations between new launches and core business. This enabled the company to identify direct effects and internal synergies within the brand.